I agree
You make a valid point and I agree. We are being led (for some, unwillingly) by a fool who has been handed everything in his life, from Harvard to the presidency. Notice how we are going to war to liberate the Iraqi people, "Operation Iraqi Freedom," when originally we were in Iraq to find weapons of mass destruction. I find that odd enough. This whole thing has been planned since (I think) the Reagan administration by a group of civilians in order to install democracy in totalitarian nations. And notice how we aren't going to war with North Korea who we know has those such weapons and falls into the same category as Iraq. But we have little to gain in monetary value from Korea, besides that they can fight back. I suppose Bush just likes being a "bully," picking on weaker nations for their "lunch money."
As for the problems with society, once again you have made a valid point. Their is most certainly a stupid gene among the ranks of society. The American population is composed largely of larthargic morons whose only goals in life are to drink beer and get laid.
I could go, but that would only make this 'review' of mine longer.
The animation itself wasn't that great, but I still gave it a 5 because of the message.